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How Does A Medicare Agent Get Paid?


How Does A Medicare Agent Get Paid?

How Does A Medicare Agent Get Paid?

We emphasize that our services are absolutely free to our clients, which often brings up the question….”well then how do you get paid?” That’s a very important question because knowing how someone gets paid can show if they could be biased and recommending a plan to you because it is good for THEM but not necessarily for YOU.

As a licensed Medicare Insurance Agency, our job is to educate our clients on how Medicare works, and then assist them in finding the right plan for their specific situation. When we make a recommendation to you and you allow us to enroll you in that plan, the insurance company then pays us a small commission for all of our work. Its important to note that you don’t have to pay anything additional to work with us, so you’re getting all of our expertise at no cost to you whatsoever. What a great deal!

147 North 2nd East
Suite #1
Rexburg, ID

(208) 356-7500


By Appointment 7 days a week

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We appreciate your time and guidance

May 26, 2022

Thank you for making things easy. We were not sure where to start but you have given us peace of mind and were so patient and helpful. We greatly appreciate your time and guidance.


Response from Ballard Medicare

Thank you very much for your valuable feedback!

Great service and wonderful people

June 24, 2022

Great service and wonderful people.
